Jürg Isenschmid
Welcome to my
new website “isj.world”

Jürg Isenschmid
Welcome to my new website “isj.world”
Jürg Isenschmid
I have finished the chapter “ISJbusiness” in my life book – for very special projects I might be willing to add two or three more sentences. Basically, however, I continue to write in the book of life with the next chapter “isj.world”…
Writing, drawing and new challenges are the central themes in my next chapter in life.
Writing & Drawing

The strength lies in the simplicity
“Write as you speak, so you write beautifully” – once said the German poet Lessing (1729-81)…
Communication in everyday life
… that’s what I tried – it was an exciting and fascinating challenge!

“Drawing is a special form of thinking on paper” (Saul Steinberg)