If there’s a book you’d like to read but hasn’t been written yet, you must write it yourself (Toni Morrison, novelist, 1931-2019)

If there’s a book you’d like to read but hasn’t been written yet, you must write it yourself (Toni Morrison, novelist, 1931-2019)

Jürg Isenschmid
All of my experiences and unbelievable experiences of my many years of work in my life chapter “ISJbusiness” have prompted me to write these books.
I have tried to write in such a way that everyone can understand – with the intention and the hope that one or the other thought will lead to a constructive insight and thus to a positive change in behavior in one or the other person.
More books
2. Edition
Revised and updated edition of “Leading – Strength lies in simplicity” with integration of dealing with social media.
2. Edition
Revised and updated edition of “Alternatively with one another” with integration of communication in and with social media.
1. Edition
In a kind of trilogy between theory, practice and examples, I simply present 7 parameters of leadership behavior.
1. Edition
Vivid examples of different character types and the resulting conflicts. Fascinating mix of plausible theory and exciting practice.
If the assertion that people very often strive for happiness and success is correct, then this book belongs in every household as a standard work.
Dr. Jörg Diehl
(Entrepreneur in the field of medicine)
Jürg Isenschmid’s book is an invitation to more self-reflection. He wrote “from life for life”.
Markus Jordi
(Head of HR and member of the Group Management SBB AG)
Some mystify the art of leadership, some give extensive instructions. Leadership can be easy if you follow a few basic rules that Jürg Isenschmid points out.
Frank-Jürgen Weise
(former Chairman of the Federal Employment Agency, Germany)